4 and Counting…

Well my lovelies…I’ve done it!! I have finally navigated my way past the first date, the tricky second date & post-second date freakout (him this time not me!!), the tricky third date and the OMG I’m on a 4th date!! But that means date number 5 is looming!! What! I’m in shock…holy cannolies… I didContinue reading “4 and Counting…”

Weekend Wrap Up

Hi Lovelies! Mmmmm…it’s a dreary Monday here. I’m sitting here in my bright yellow chair listening to the rain hit my windows. I love that tink tink tink sound! It’s so soothing. This weekend has been crazy! But so good :) My heart is full and my cup runeth over. Friday was such a funContinue reading “Weekend Wrap Up”

High Five for Friday..not feeling it today..

It’s Friday..whew..I made it. This week has been a struggle my lovelies. I’ve had to apologize to multiple people for my attitude and rudeness. I’m tired, I’m stressed out, I’m broken..yep broken. I feel like I fell off of a cliff and smashed into the water. These past six weeks of talking with James haveContinue reading “High Five for Friday..not feeling it today..”