
Let’s go on an adventure

Hi Friends! I’m Kat :) I love traveling, going on adventures with my rescue dog Penny, quilting and so much more!

I started blogging in 2009 after a very tumultuous year. Have you ever just needed to hit pause and restart your life? I was at a pivotal point where my creativity was going to eat me alive or break through. I had been drained after working a trivial job to pay the bills, gaining 40lbs my senior year of college (ouch!), a bad break up and I was in desperate need of a creative respite. I left my job and decided to focus on me for awhile :) I explored things I was curious about – making paper, dying fabric, making soap, CrossFit, working out and eating clean. I decided that it was time to let my past trauma and all of those bitter, angry, sour things seep out and let the sun shine through. I was a Lemon Raindrop – sour on the outside but sweet at the center.

My blog is a combination of life + faith + food + adventuring. It’s the perfect crazy blend of my life, obsessions, projects and faux pas. It’s here that my brain settles in on its favorite comfy teal couch to share the musings it endures each day. You’ll find there is a unique blend that makes me….Me

By day, I’m a Graphic Designer. By night, I’m a quilter. By weekend, I’m a kayaker.

Keep me company on this journey called life :)


~ Kat